Sunday, August 7, 2016

On the Road - Oregon to Utah

Hyrum State Park - Utah

After nine awesome days in Oregon we entered Idaho. It took about four hours of driving time to cross the southwest corner of Idaho into Utah. We passed the exit for Shoshone Falls and had fond memories of our visit there on the way up through Idaho.

Shoshone Falls, Idaho

Somewhere on today's journey we got a small chip in our giant windshield. Bummer.

The Utah state highway signs have a beehive on them. Utah calls itself the Beehive State, symbolizing the hard work of its residents. The early Mormon settlers saw the beehive as an example of all the workers cooperating in the construction of something much bigger than themselves, as a model of a properly run society.

Utah Highway Sign

We stayed two nights at a small state park on Hyrum Reservoir, about 60 miles north of Salt Lake City. Two couples staying next to us said they book their sites four months in advance to be able to grab adjacent full-hookup spots.

We had lovely views like this one:

Hyrum Reservoir, Utah

While sitting outside, white flakes of ash were falling from the sky. There was a rosy layer of smoke on the horizon sandwiched between blue sections of sky. It made for a pretty sunset but it was sad to think a wildfire was causing it.

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