Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Russells on the Road - Day 2

Day two of our RV trip was a very long day of driving, heading out at 8 am and, 16 hours later, parking it in Provo, Utah for the night just after midnight. We saw some spectacular scenery, traveling through three states: New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. We visited the spot where those three states meet up with Colorado at the Four Corners Monument so, actually, we stepped foot in four states today.

We detoured through Monument Valley where five John Wayne movies were made in this iconic American West landscape of majestic sandstone rock formations. A billboard proclaims it the World's Largest Outdoor Museum. It was awesome! Well worth the extra hours it added to our trip.

We crossed the continental divide in New Mexico. Our trip should be downhill from here on haha! Our ears have started popping as we traverse the mountains. After the rugged, dry terrain of New Mexico and Arizona, we, and our dogs especially, were so happy to step foot on green grass in Utah. I saw my first dust devil when one swirled just a few feet away from us in the dusty parking lot at Four Corners.

Parts of the drive today felt like a twisting rollercoaster ride, with the skinny ribbon of highway going up and down and around the rolling hills. Only instead of being in a small rollercoaster car, our 22,000 pound motor home was negotiating the turns. Yikes! Scenic but scary.

Today was our 29th wedding anniversary. Our sunset, mountain-view, picnic dinner of Burger King whoppers in a parking lot with our dogs resting comfortably nearby may not have been the fanciest, but it was sweet and part of a memorable, enjoyable day together.

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