Monday, May 12, 2014

A Return to Blogging

The Russells have returned from a four-year adventure of living in England. It's great to be back but I have missed blogging about living abroad.

For months I've been meaning to start a new blog. A recent trip to a lovely island in Washington State did the trick to get my creative juices flowing again.

Walking around the cute town of Langley on Whidbey Island took me back to the quaint villages of England. That, in turn, took me back to wanting to share images, both visually and in words.

The town sits on a bluff overlooking a passage of Puget Sound where whales travel each spring as they return from their winter abroad in the warmer waters off Mexico.

Check out the sign. I wish we could have rung the bell.

This statue and his dog are keeping an eye out for whales:

Here is a look down the quaint main street. The "Tavern" sign would of course be a cute Pub name in England, such as The Crown or The Swan.

The Whale would be a perfectly-named pub in Langley.

"Artsy" is a good word to describe the town.

They do a nice job with flowers as well. As in England, the rain in Washington State helps produce an abundance of beautiful springtime blooms.

This patch of heather reminds me so much of the heather in England:

An elegant restaurant overlooks a formal herb garden, reminiscent of the manicured hedges of a European garden:

Thank you, Langley, for launching my RussellsReturned Blog.

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