Beach or pool? Shade or sun? Decisions, decisions
Shades of aquamarine teal azure sky-blue filling my view
Soothing Swedish massage
Sunrise yoga on the beach
Lace-edged waves swirling on the shore
Energizing walks along the beach
Scuba-diving husbands, sun-worshipping wives
Free night hotel stay thanks to Mike's abundant travels
Breakfasts at Coconut Joe's
Visit to Turtle Farm aka Turtle Prison
Warm sun, cool breezes
Coconut scent of suntan lotion
Pirate Week on the Island
Gazing at the super moon through palm trees
Sky-on-fire sunset with pirate ship silhouette
Sightings of iguanas, turtles, roosters, chickens, chicks, lizards, sand crab, fish
Catching up with fantastic buddy family friends
Feeling grateful and blessed and less-stressed
These are a few of my favorite things from our week on Grand Cayman Island.